Crime rates are on the rise around the world, that is why you should deeply consider your and your family safety and how to improve it constantly because it is a top priority to feel secure especially in your own property.
Changing locks is something most people know they should do but often overlook. Whether it is at home or at your business knowing that the place you spend most of your time in is safe.
Here are some key situations where changing your locks is crucial:
When you move into a new property, it’s a great idea to change all the locks. Not only it gives a better feeling you may never know how many spare keys might still be out there from previous tenants.
It is always better to make sure your property is secure than to regret it later in case someone has broke into your place.

After Break-in Attempt
Most compelling reason for lock change is after having a break-in attempt, because there is no doubt that you should improve your security and the best way to do it is by replacing your locks.

Lost Keys
Many people do not think about the possible consequences when they lose their keys and often forget about it after getting their spare key duplicated at the local hardware store.
When losing your keys in public where someone can easily find them and maybe use them to break into your property might put you in a great risk. Changing the locks will eliminate this fear completely.

Old Locks
Worn out lock that are hard to turn is a good reason to replace them. Like any mechanical multipart device also locks can become stiff and not easy to operate over time, especially if they haven’t been maintained in years.
If you notice your lock isn’t working properly, for example if you find it hard to turn the key inside the lock or maybe the key get stuck inside the frequently until you can pull it out, it is a clear sign that it is time to replace the lock.

Essential Locks Replacement Situations
If you have roommates it’s smart to change your locks occasionally, especially when someone moves out.
They might have lend it to a friend or one of their family member without you even know about it and now when they’re gone you and tour other roommates are compromised.

Lending keys to a professional can be a very convenient option, but after they’ve done their service it is highly recommended to change the locks as you don’t really know all their workers and who have might had their hands on your key.